When people with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and skills come together, ideas and perspectives are more likely to intersect and generate new ideas and innovations. It is easy to imagine that this is the benefit of diversity and its contribution to solving society's problems.
However, not many people may be aware of how this diversity is established.
Discrimination, prejudice, exclusivity, cultural assimilation, unequal systems, and educational imbalance
are factors that hinder diversity, and are issues that we must be aware of when engaging in creative and
social activities, and that everyone must be aware of now that the Internet has made multi-ethnic and
multi-religious communities the norm. The issues of prejudice and discrimination are not only a matter of
study but also a matter of concern.
The issues of prejudice and discrimination are something that everyone is at risk of doing without being
aware of it unless they study up.
Today, because of the principle of non-retroactivity of law in all worlds and the principle of non-retroactive application prior to the time of enforcement, it is inherently difficult to overturn history that should have been affirmed. However, for example, in the Americas, since the Black Lives Matter movement, there have been cases where statues of Christopher Columbus, who created a structure of domination based on colonial policies, slavery, and white supremacy, have been removed, and people's awareness and ethics of equality and human rights have also changed People's awareness of equality and human rights, as well as ethics, are changing. We are growing our civilization in a world of ethics that demands another level of awareness than the law.
While discriminatory attitudes and behaviors are still and have always been a factor in creating conflict, one might imagine that a reduction in discrimination has the benefit of creating empathy and strengthening social cohesion. Knowing the precedents and history of various forms of discrimination and persecution may also be important to avoid making the wrong decisions on contemporary issues.
現在、あらゆる世界で法の不遡及の原理があり、施行時以前には遡って適用されない原則があるため、肯定されていたはずの歴史を覆すことは本来は難しいことではありますが、例えばアメリカ大陸ではBlack Lives Matter以降、植民地政策や奴隷制度、白人至上主義に基づいた支配構造を生み出したクリストファー・コロンブスまで遡り、銅像が撤去されるケースが出てきていたり、人々の平等や人権の意識も倫理も変化してきています。法よりももう一段階高い意識が求められる倫理の世界で我々は文明を育んでいます。
Norman Rockwell, The Problem We All Live With, 1963, oil on canvas, 36 x 58 inches. Illustration for LOOK, January 14, 1964. Norman Rockwell Museum Collections. ©NRELC, Niles, IL.
Diversity is a delicate thing that can easily be lost with the slightest lack of consideration. Diverse opinions and values are sacrificed in a variety of situations, from society to family, and there are several that you may recognize in your daily life. Below is a list of some of the major factors that inhibit diversity.
These factors are interrelated and are commonly found in societies and organizations. Fostering a culture of respect for diversity is important not only for the world of creatives, but for society as a whole, as the promotion and respect of diversity brings many benefits, including social equity, creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills.
Judy Chicago, Wing Two from The Dinner Party, 1979, embroidery on linen and china paint on porcelain,
Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Collection of the Brooklyn Museum. © Judy Chicago/Artists
Rights Society (ARS), New York Photo © Donald Woodman/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Groups form loosely in society, and it is inevitable that majorities and minorities will emerge.
Minorities are often the targets of persecution due to various factors such as race, religion, sex,
disability, age, and economics, and are often unreasonably discriminated against because of their natural
attributes that cannot be resolved through individual efforts.
The Holocaust of the 1930s, Apartheid that lasted from 1948 to 1994, the Rwandan genocide of 1994, the
Rohingya crisis of 2017, and other instances of minorities being persecuted by the majority ethnic group
have historically occurred around the world and are not issues of the past.
In addition, we can see examples of failed assimilation policies and colonialist ways of creating
communities in various nations throughout the two world wars, which focused only on the majority and used
the values of the majority to dominate and control the minorities as a whole.
Often in these situations, the explanation is given by the strong as the contribution of the strong to the
weak who lack civilization, but from the perspective of the weak, colonial rule would seem quite different.
In such nations, diversity of expression is denied and creativity is stagnant.
It could be said that the major artistic change of the 20th century was that ethnic minorities persecuted in
Europe found asylum in the United States, which was not a war zone, and created a new culture and
In addition, many of the behaviors that majorities direct toward minorities are discriminatory.
Efforts to ensure legally and ethically that there is an equal, fair, and transparent relationship between
majorities and minorities, and that diversity and equality are respected, are essential to resolving this
It is important for a culture to embrace people of different backgrounds and identities, to respect diverse
points of view, and to create an environment where everyone can flourish fairly.
Édouard Manet, Olympia , 1863–65, Oil on canvas, 130.5 cm × 190 cm (51.4 in × 74.8 in), Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Discrimination against women is a social injustice that negatively affects individuals and society as a
whole. International organizations, governments, and civil society groups are working to protect women's
rights and narrow the gender gap, and efforts to eliminate discrimination against women are underway in
various organizations.
For example, countries such as Iceland and Norway are actively working to narrow the wage gap through
policy, legal, and social cultural changes. However, there are still many countries, including Japan, where
improvements have not yet been made.
The fact that discrimination against women is still ongoing is a deep-seated problem that has not been
solved for millions of years since the beginning of mankind.
Below is a summary of typical discrimination against women.
Pablo Picasso, Les Femmes d'Alger (Version O) English: The Women of Algiers, 1955, Oil on canvas, 114 cm × 146.4 cm (45 in × 57.6 in), Private collection of Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, Doha, Qatar
The problem that naturally creates an uncomfortable and disadvantageous situation for minorities due to some
kind of "privilege" that has favored some majorities even without a sense of discrimination is called
"structural discrimination.
In some societies and organizations, people on the majority side are unaware of the "privileges" that come
with the attributes they automatically acquire without effort on their part. In many cases, minorities may
be labeled as "reverse discrimination" for their actions to correct disparities, because they are unaware of
the privileges they have.
The concept of structural discrimination is particularly important to be aware of in the context of
discrimination against women in male-dominated societies, which is often identified as a barrier to women's
advancement in society.
Although half of the world's population is female, structural discrimination must often be the cause of the
lack of women in their organizations.
In many cases, the gender wage gap stems from men and women choosing different occupations and industries.
Men often go into high-paying STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields, while women often go
into lower-paying fields such as nursing and education, resulting in differences in average wages.
It is also well-documented that female office workers can have a big difference in career advancement and
salary after a few years depending on whether their boss is of the same or opposite gender.
Male organizations selected by men in charge of human resources create a culture that favors men, resulting
in an organization that is uncomfortable for women, even if this is not intentionally so. In such
organizations, it is extremely difficult for women to rise above their male counterparts. Structural
discrimination occurs in environments where there is no awareness of male privilege.
There are many attributes that give rise to privilege, including gender, race, religion, education, economic
status, and area of residence, but gender privilege in particular is often used most unknowingly and has
become an important issue in building companies and organizations these days.
Discrimination is something that everyone does unknowingly unless they study it, and in many cases, they are
even unaware that they are discriminating.
However, the discriminated party will never forget it for a long time.
In considering discrimination, it is important to be aware of the concept of "structural discrimination"
that is implicitly created by the organization rather than an individual problem.
One of the most impactful discrimination issues in the history of mankind has been the issue of racism. However, not all discrimination is racism, and shelving other issues and focusing only on racism may also be a form of minority discrimination. Here I would like to consider the application of the principles of racism to a variety of other forms of discrimination.
In the past, colonial rule and industrialization depended on slavery. Racism was openly practiced and
increasingly reinforced in the 18th and 19th century world to justify slavery for its economic benefits.
The benefits of cheap labor and economic growth were enjoyed not only by Europe but also by other countries
around the world. Even in Japan, where I was born, fast fashion and food products based on cheap African
labor still abound, and are not exclusive to Europe.
North Korea exports slaves to China and Russia to work in concentration camps, and in 2017, the UN
sanctioned intercontinental ballistic missiles and repatriated slaves to North Korea.
In 2019, China admitted to having facilities called re-education camps in the Uyghur region, where Muslim
Uyghurs are forced to work on cotton plantations and in factories. Fast fashion from big corporate brands
made there could be in your home.
Even today, when slavery is supposedly being reconsidered as a negative history, an economy based on the
exploitation of cheap labor remains deep-rooted in every region and on every scale, and even in Japan, where
I live, there are still examples of exploitation of students, and
female workers and "OTIT - Organization for Technical Intern Training" for
In particular, the "OTIT" is a system that, according to the International Labor Organization's (ILO)
definition of slavery, allows foreign nationals to be bought and sold without regard to their human rights,
and, similar to the kafala system in the Middle East, companies confiscate their passports and force them to
perform forced labor.
As many as 72.6% of businesses are in violation of the law by 2021. It is doubtful that we can say that this
is different from the slavery of the Age of Discovery.
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), in 2021 there will be 50 million slaves worldwide
and 21.3 million people will be forced into forced labor, the highest number in history. There are more
slaves today than there were in the past, when slavery was taught in history class.
3.3 million of these are children; 22 million women are trafficked into forced marriage or child marriage;
6.3 million women are forced into sexually forced labor; and more than half of all slaves are women. Women
account for 70% of modern-day slaves.
Slavery as an institution may be over, but slavery as a reality is by no means over, we are just unaware of
what exists so close to us.
Can you all say that you do not live in a structure that exploits those who are in a weaker position than
your side for profit?
I believe that becoming aware of the fact that minorities have always tended to be persecuted, ignored, and
exploited is the first step toward a diverse and creative world.
The disadvantages brought about by attributes that cannot be changed by one's own efforts, such as gender,
age, and origin, cannot be put away by the theory of self-responsibility; it is the consideration of those
who have the privilege of being born with them that is important.
Redistribution of wealth that is not limited to economic aspects is the way to contribute to the
construction of a society in which diverse people can freely play an active role.
Nintendo, Pokémon Diamond and Parl, Japanese: ポケモン ダイアモンドアンドパール, 2021, Switch
Linked also to war, perhaps the most foolish idea created by humanity in the 20th century is eugenics. This ideology is based on the eugenics idea that people who are biologically or genetically inferior or unproductive in aspects such as physical ability or intelligence have no value in life, and that artificial intervention in reproduction is used to encourage the birth of superior people and prevent the birth of inferior people.
However, I believe that everyone, especially creators, understands that the superiority of human beings
cannot be measured only from one aspect of productivity or biological angle. There are many creators who are
necessary for society, even if they are not the most popular creators or those who earn a lot of money. If
we deny the existence value of such creators from the standpoint of productivity, the world will become a
much smaller place.
In addition, when superiority or inferiority is judged based on a eugenicist approach, the reality is that
judgments are often made based on the majority's values, a phenomenon that is no different from an
imperialist, colonialist structure in which the majority simply assimilates and incorporates the minority.
So, can we say that this eugenic concept really came to an end with the mistakes of World War II?
Like the issue of slavery, this concept may have changed its language and still exists in our immediate
surroundings today.
It is still fresh in our minds that the selection of human lives to be left behind was discussed as hospital
beds became tighter in COVID-19.
It may be difficult to avoid in any country if we live in a modern society that human abilities are assigned
a superiority or inferiority.
However, bringing danger to a person's survival or harming his or her dignity can be called eugenics without
regard for human rights.
We cannot think in the same way as racehorse breeding, food breeding, or Pokemon eggs.
Human beings have human rights.
Have you ever seen cases where the strong, especially in a highly competitive society, deny the survival of the weak or show no concern for human rights? As with the issue of discrimination, unless we study and are aware of it, everyone may be prone to make eugenic-like judgments. These issues are often taboo subjects, but I believe it is important for us, as members of a diverse, rich, and open society, to continue to think about them.
戦争ともリンクし、20世紀の人類が生み出した最も愚かな思想は優生思想かもしれません。 身体能力や知能のような面で生物学的、遺伝的に劣る人間、生産性が無い人間には生きる価値を持たないと考え、生殖に人為的介入を行い、優れた人の出生を奨励し、劣った人の出生を防止するという優生学の考え方を土台にした思想です。
I may not be in a pleasant mood because I have covered a serious topic.
However, I believe that if we eliminate discrimination and prejudice and act with respect for the human
rights of people of all attributes, we will always find ourselves surrounded by a diverse group of people,
and it is certainly true that creativity and innovation are more likely to occur in places where diverse
people gather.
By embracing new cultures and perspectives from people of different backgrounds, we can improve our
interpersonal skills and cognitive flexibility, which can lead to the acquisition of human richness.
Wouldn't you be excited to be closer to such a world?
It may be difficult to understand diversity and practice expression when creators avoid this issue of discrimination. This may be the first thing that everyone should learn. I think there are still some things that I am not aware of. If you find something wrong, I would be happy to hear your comments using the form at the bottom of this page.